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  • 🚀 Welcome to 2024: Exciting Updates & Exclusive Workshop Invite!

🚀 Welcome to 2024: Exciting Updates & Exclusive Workshop Invite!

Hey there!

Happy New Year!

I'm thrilled to kick off 2024 with the first issue of our newly updated ConversionMail, now coming to you from our fresh platform, beehive.

I’m all about evolving and enhancing based on your feedback, so please, if you have any thoughts or suggestions about the Newsletter, feel free to reply (I read every reply) or participate in the poll at the end of this email.

I’m committed to making ConversionMail your go-to resource for everything CRO.

And speaking of resources, I have an extraordinary treat for you at the end of this email, a special invite to an invaluable, value-packed workshop with Ezra Firestone.

Trust me, it's an opportunity packed with insights you won't want to miss. (We’re sharing all of his winning CRO tests!)

Right, to start the year on a high note, I want to provide you with some tangible value.

Below are some tips and predictions to maximize your conversions in Q1 and a glimpse into what 2024 might hold for CRO and e-commerce.

Q1 CRO hacks and tips 🪄

1. Post-Holiday Clearance Sales 

Launch a clearance sale specifically for overstocked holiday items. Promote these through dedicated sections on your website, targeting budget-conscious consumers who are looking for post-holiday deals. Send emails!

2. New Year Resolution Products 

Feature products that align with common New Year's resolutions like fitness, wellness, organization, or personal growth. Create dedicated categories or landing pages for these resolution-themed products.

3. Engage with a 'New Year, New You' Campaign 

Create a marketing campaign around the theme of transformation and new beginnings. This can involve email marketing, social media, and on-site promotions that align with the idea of positive change in the new year.

4. Q1-specific Content Marketing 

Publish blog posts or articles that cater to Q1 interests, such as 'How to Stick to New Year Resolutions', 'Best Products for a Cozy Winter', or 'Tax Season Must-Haves'. This content, aligned with SEO strategies, can drive relevant traffic to your site.

5. Pre-Order Strategy for Out-of-Stock Items
Implementing a pre-order system for out-of-stock items can be a game-changer in maintaining sales momentum and customer interest. When an item goes out of stock, instead of simply showing it as unavailable, offer customers the option to pre-order

2024 CRO predictions 🔮

I’ve also made a list of my own personal 2024 predictions for the world of CRO and Ecom, i’d love to hear yours in a reply to this newsletter, here’s mine:

1. AI-Driven Personalization Will Dominate:

In 2024, the use of artificial intelligence in Ecommerce will reach new heights. I believe AI will not just be used for product recommendations, but for creating highly personalized shopping experiences. AI algorithms will analyze customer data in real-time, offering personalized content, product suggestions, and even adjusting website layouts to suit individual user preferences. This level of personalization will significantly boost conversion rates as customers find exactly what they need with minimal effort.

2. Voice and Visual Search Optimization:

As voice-activated devices and visual search technologies become more sophisticated and widespread, I believe Ecom sites will optimize for these search methods. SEO strategies will evolve to include voice search optimization, focusing on natural language processing and long-tail keywords. Similarly, the ability to search using images will necessitate robust image tagging and recognition capabilities on Ecom platforms.

3. Sustainability as a Conversion Factor:

With growing consumer awareness and concern about environmental impact, sustainability will become a significant conversion factor. Ecom brands that transparently demonstrate sustainable practices, offer eco-friendly products, and employ green shipping methods will gain a competitive edge. Sustainability credentials will be prominently displayed, and eco-conscious filters will become standard in online shopping.

4. AI and New User Shopping Experiences:

AR eventually will transform the online shopping experience by allowing customers to visualize products in their own environment before purchasing. This will be particularly impactful in industries like furniture, home decor, and fashion, where seeing the product in context can significantly influence buying decisions. AR technology will reduce return rates and increase customer satisfaction.

As I said, i’d love to hear your predictions for the year ahead, just click “reply” and let me know what you think.

As always, if you need help with anything CRO in 2024 my team at ConversionWise are ready to speak with you, book in a free discovery call by clicking here now.

And now, for that special invite: join me and Ezra Firestone for a deep dive into strategies that will transform your Ecom business in 2024.

We’ll be uncovering every winning test we’ve had for Ezra’s brands and showing you exactly how we’ve added over $1,000,000 in additional revenue.

Click here now to grab your spot (Registration is available until the 10th of January).

Here's to a profitable and successful 2024!

Video of the week 📺

Check out our conversion rate optimization video of the week.

Maximizing Conversions for Coaches & Consultants

Weekly content roundup 📚

The best conversion rate content from around the web.

In this video, we delve into the essential strategies for boosting your cart checkout rate. Are you struggling to convert visitors into customers? Look no further! Our expert tips will guide you towards increased sales and success.

Our client sells alcohol recovery products to help its customers not worry about the next day’s hangover after a late night party. They hired us to redesign their product page to increase their conversion rates.

Watch how we added an estimated revenue amounting up to $888k for one of our clients business by simply using data and insights from heatmap tools with an average revenue per session of $0.34.

In this week's audit clinic, we audit 4 ecomm stores and 1 lead gen site, that were posted in our "Ask for Feedback" section. Watch this audit and implement the conversion design recommendations on your own ecomm stores and skyrocket your conversion rates. 

[🔥 ACADEMY] Not yet a member of our Academy?
Click here to instantly access all of the above for only $97.

Optimization by Oliver 🚀 

I breakdown how I would optimise some of my favourite brands.

Brand: alleyoop

  1. Shifted from a plain product image to an influential picture of a female using the product.

  2. Added all-important social proof and a more emotive, value-driven headline.

  3. Expanded the CTA, directing users towards the best sellers.

  4. Reorganized the above-the-fold layout to include trust elements just below the CTA.

Click here for the full in-depth breakdown.

☎️ If you'd like to speak with our team about our ongoing CRO solution click here to book a free discovery call

Vote Next Week’s Topic 🗳

At ConversionWise, we're always on a mission to optimize everything we do, from our websites to this very newsletter.

And who better to guide us than you?

In this spirit, I would like to give you the chance to pick a topic for the next edition.

What do you want to learn next Thursday?

Come on, don't be shy!

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