I took my shot at the Shopify President's store

Hello Optimizers!

This week’s edition is special!

I took my shot and decided to optimize the e-commerce store of Shopify's President, Harley Finkelstein.

He even commented on my video:

Also in this release:

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • CRO Trends: Consider using a presell page like an advertorial

  • Your Vote: 10 tips to make your call-to-action buttons more clickable!

  • Website Breakdown: Watch brand optimization

  • Optimization Tips: Using USPs to enhance clarity

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the net.

Landing Page Design 🎨 (Below 50,000 Visits)

Social Proof: Social proof goes way beyond just reviews on a page, let me explain this in 60 seconds. (Link)

Design: 7 tips on how to make your homepage not just a door, but a grand entrance to your brand's world. (Link)

On-going CRO ⚡️ (Above 50,000 visits)

Case Study: Using USPs at the top of the collection pages to enhance clarity = $538,680 in additional revenue. (Link)

A/B Test Ideas: Product Page design ideas for a brand making $50-100M selling s*x toys. (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Learn from the best: 244 Top E-Commerce Sites Ranked by User Experience Performance. (Source)

Shopify: The Shopify Subscriptions app is now in full release. (Source)

Academy 🏫

CRO Checklist: Download our updated version of CRO checklist for 2024 with more than 175 action items. (Link)

CRO Quick Wins: Top performing homepages vs An average homepage design, what’s the difference? (Link)

☎️ If you'd like to speak with our team about our CRO solutions click here to book a discovery call

Video of the Week (6 min)

Check out our conversion rate optimization video of the week.

How I Would Optimize Shopify President's Store for Explosive Growth

Watch Brand Optimization

1. Above the fold

The material above the fold was not attention-grabbing and was missing crucial elements.

So, we:

Changed the toolbar colour to orange contrasting well with the black and white theme.

Added an emoji to the toolbar text to make it more conspicuous.

Moved the free shipping, free returns and 24 month guarantee icons and text just under the toolbar in order to instil trust and make them more visual as originally they only displayed in the footer (or the graveyard)

2. Social proof improvements

The page lacks any type of social proof needed to make me desire their products.

So, we:

Added star-ratings to the hero section to boost reliability and communicate trust.

Showcased the number of happy customers and coupled that with star-ratings to further heighten credibility.

Bolded key words such as ‘Rated 4.9’ in order to grasp customer attention.

3. Enhanced product cards

The product display again seriously lacked any social proof or urgency

So, we:

Placed star-ratings below each product

Created further desire, placing ‘new arrival’ and ‘most popular’ text icons.

We also added ‘limited stock’ in a red shade to further boost urgency and also prompt action.

10 tips to make your call-to-action buttons more clickable!

1. Always use one clear call-to-action

This is so important, you need to be thinking "direct response".

What is the ONE action you want someone to take?

Use one clear button to avoid confusion and help your audience to take the desired action more effectively.

2. Communicate the desired action

You need to make sure your button copy explains exactly what happens when users take the next step in your funnel, such as signing up, purchasing, or getting more information.

For example:

Contact Us


Book your discovery call now

3. Choose your colours wisely

Colour choice matters!

Select CTA button colours that stand out from your site's background, while staying consistent with your brand. You need to stop the scroll.

Contrasting colours can grab attention and encourage clicks.




4. Add a directional cue

Visual elements like arrows, chevrons, emoji's or images can guide users towards the next steps.

Use these both on the end of your call-to-action buttons but also to direct towards the button itself.

For example:

Add to cart


Add to cart 👉

5. Anchor with trust and credibility

Reassure your visitors that they can confidently click your button by showcasing trust and credibility principles near your CTA.

Use payment seals, trust badges, guarantees, awards, certifications and more.

6. Add scrolling call-to-action button on mobile

Incorporate a scrolling CTA button on mobile.

As users scroll down your mobile site, a sticky CTA stays visible, ensuring easy access and increasing the chances of engagement.

Only show when 25% of your page is scrolled.

7. Place on the right

Leverage the Gutenberg pattern by placing your CTA button on the right side of the page.

This follows the natural reading direction, making your users read your headline and value proposition before deciding to take action.

Case in hand, 99% of PDP's.

8. Anchor with social proof

Display endorsements, customer testimonials, or the number of satisfied customers/users near your CTA button.

This reinforces trust and encourages users to take action, knowing others have had a positive experience.

Another box ticked.

9. Use full-width buttons on mobile

Opt for full-width CTA buttons on mobile devices to maximize visibility and tap-target size, making it easier for users to interact and engage with your call-to-action.

Our data consistently shows full-width buttons outperform smaller widths.

10. Use the word now

Incorporate a sense of urgency by adding "now" to your CTA text.

Optimization by Oliver

Walmart's annual gross profit for 2022 was $143.754B

That's B for BILLION!

Can you imagine if they optimized their product pages?

Well, you don't have to imagine as I’m going to show you exactly how I’d do that right now!

Product Page Optimization 

1. I've added trust policies under the navigation
2. I've moved the social proof way up the fold
3. I've neatened up the UI/UX
4. I've optimized the product image section
5. I've added a savings label for visualisation
6. Colour image select > dropdowns
7. The call to action is now above the fold

Click here for the full in-depth breakdown.

Vote Next Week’s Topic

At ConversionWise, we're always on a mission to optimize everything we do, from our websites to this very newsletter.

And who better to guide us than you ?

In this spirit, I would like to give you the chance to pick a topic for the next edition.

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