Shopify 2024 optimization playbook revealed!

Hello Optimizers!

Welcome to this week's edition of ConversionMail!

In this release:

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • CRO trends: Add a "Best Sellers" carousel to your mega-menu

  • Your choice: How to craft a high-converting headline

  • A/B Test: $990,504 in additional revenue with one test

  • Video: Shopify Landing Page Optimization Playbook 2024

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the net.

Landing Page Design 🎨

Copywriting: 7 common mistakes that KILL conversion rates (Link)

CRO Tips: The FAQ section can be one of the BEST conversion elements on your site. Let me show you how. (Link)

On-going CRO ⚡️

A/B test ideas: $990,504 in additional revenue with one test (Link)

Case Study: Clothing brand store optimization to skyrocket your conversion rates. (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Statistics: This latest Ecom UX benchmark of Product Page performance reveals that 44% of sites have a poor-to-mediocre product page UX.(Source)

Shopify: Shopify is releasing an AI Magic Media editor to help you enhance your product images with seven style options. (Source)

Academy 🏫

Audit Clinic: Watch the replay of this week’s audit clinic where we share our brutally honest feedback and CRO tips and tricks to help our Academy members skyrocket their conversion rates. (Link)

CRO Quick Wins: Elevate your sales game with these foolproof tips - Ecom PDP Optimization 101​. (Link)

Video of the Week

Check out our conversion rate optimization video of the week.

Shopify Landing Page Optimization Playbook 2024

Upcoming Webinar

The hardest thing in optimizing your website is properly understanding the right principles.

One of the shortcuts that science suggests is learning the same principles from two different sources.

This is because it allows us to see different aspects of the same concept and how it applies in various situations.

As the saying goes, “Two heads are better than one”.

And this is particularly true when the second head isn’t just a CRO genius.

He is also the founder of the only Heatmap software with revenue attribution and AI insights on every unique element on your website.

I’m talking about none other than Dylan Ander, the founder of the CRO software

This Thursday, Dylan is hosting the third edition of his webinar series “How We Buy”.

We’ll be discussing all things CRO and breaking down some of the best funnels online.

CRO Trends

Some quick wins and trends you can test on your brands today.

  1. Add a "Best Sellers" carousel to your mega-menu.

The most clicked section of your store is typically the menu based on heatmap data. Show your visitors the best selling products first and foremost to trigger the herd effect.

  1. Always use labels on your collection pages.

These labels will provide guidance to those initial visitors who may not know where to go or those unsure of what to buy. Anything you can do to make a visitor make a quicker and more informed purchase, do it!


How to craft a high-converting headline

1. Keep to 6-10 words
Your headline should be between 6-10 words. Too short and you won't be able to utilise the 5 key steps. Too long and it won't be hard-hitting.

2. Include numbers (odd) Be sure to include a number inside your headline if possible. Odd numbers convert better than even ones (who knew!).

Use of numbers can be:
-5 steps to something
-5 people do something
-5 easy ways

3. Include power words Use power words to entice your visitors:

4. Use action verbs Always include a doing word inside of your title to emphasise the next step.

For example:
- Now
- Today
- This week
- Right now
- Instantly
- Immediately

5. Outlay the benefit Clearly state the benefit for the visitor inside of the headline.

- What are they going to achieve?
- What do they get in return?
- What is the outcome?
- What is the benefit

Optimization by Oliver

I break down how I would optimize some of my favorite brands.

Brand: brooklinen

Home Page Enhancement: I made it more welcoming and easy to use.

The idea was to help visitors find what they're looking for faster and stick around longer.

  1. Shortened the offer in the notification Bar for improved readability

  2. Optimized Imagery

  3. Added reviews for social proof

  4. Improved headline for better positioning

  5. More social proof

Click here for the full in-depth breakdown.

☎️ If you'd like to speak with our team about our ongoing CRO solution click here to book a free discovery call

Vote Next Week’s Topic

At ConversionWise, we're always on a mission to optimize everything we do, from our websites to this very newsletter.

And who better to guide us than you ?

In this spirit, I would like to give you the chance to pick a topic for the next edition.

What do you want to learn next Wednesday?

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