From Meh to Yeah: Product interest boosters

Plus: Learn to keep your audience interested and engaged

Ahoy, Analytics Adventurers!

Welcome aboard the S.S. ConversionMail, where we navigate the treacherous seas of data to discover hidden treasure islands of profit. 🏝️ 

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • A/B Test: Improving product sorting and filters

  • The Chosen Topic: Cart draw, pop up, and product page optimization

  • CRO Insight: How to get people interested in your product

  • Video: Unlocking customer insights with KnoCommerce!

CRO Insight

We've covered getting people's ATTENTION and showing how you can CHANGE THINGS for them.

Now, let's talk about keeping people INTERESTED.

Here's what you need to focus on:

Benefits (How your solution will change their lives)

  • Paint a picture of life with your product

  • Show how you solve their problems

  • Speak their language - what do they really care about?

Features (What your product/service does to get them there)

  • Highlight your product's coolest bits

  • Connect these features to real-life benefits

  • Keep it snappy - no one likes a rambler!

Remember, your job is to keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.

How do you keep visitors glued to your landing page?

Drop your best tricks in the comments!

P.S. Next week, we're diving into turning interest into desire. Don't miss it!

Client’s Result

Another one of our CRO clients gearing up for a massive Q4! 🚀 

Make no mistake, we've had our fair share of losing tests for this client before we cracked the code on what truly resonates with their audience.

But we stuck with our process and hit gold, boosting their revenue by over 💲182,092 per month!

I did warn everyone that last month was the perfect time to kick things off with CRO to maximize Q4.

But if you haven't started yet, don't worry, it's not too late!

I'd get started now, especially with Black Friday just around the corner.

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the web.

Design 🎨

We boost our clients’ stores by MILLIONS of additional revenue.

5 phases of our CRO process you can implement for results (Link)

On-Going CRO ⚡️

A/B Test: How we increased MRR by improving product sorting and filters with a strategic A/B Test for our client (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Shopify: Migration to hCaptcha on the /challenge page (Source)

Baymard: The Current State of Homepage and Category Navigation UX: 76% of sites have mediocre-to-poor performance (12 Common Pitfalls) (Source)

Academy 🎓️ 

New Round of Audits for Our Members: 🌿 Cannabis Seeds, Nutra Supplements - Coding Classes - Home Services - SaaS - Hyperpigmentation (Link)

Episode 4 of "Talks That Convert"

🎙️ New Podcast Alert: Unlocking Customer Insights with KnoCommerce! 🔥

This week, we're diving deep into the world of customer understanding with Jeremiah Prummer, CEO of KnoCommerce.

KnoCommerce started as a survey app but has grown into a powerful tool helping brands understand customer motivations and discovery journeys! 🚀

Jeremiah shares some real-world insights about post-purchase surveys and how to really get to know your customers.

Here are a few things I learned from this episode:

Why you shouldn't hesitate to ask customers questions

How some brands successfully use 19-question surveys

Using the "Actions" feature to turn surveys into revenue drivers

Leveraging the "Audiences" feature for targeted surveys and analysis

Ideal survey group sizes for smaller brands

How large brands build detailed customer profiles

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that customer feedback isn't just important - it can make or break your CRO efforts.

And now? You've got a golden ticket to learn from one of the best in the business.

🎵 Spotify

High Converting Design Inspiration

If you've been missing out on my YouTube videos, here's a sneak peek at the kind of designs we're breaking down.

Cart Draw, Pop Up, and Product Page Optimization

Today we are optimizing Sour Strips.

Let’s start with the:

1️⃣ Cart Draw Optimization

Possibly where the brand will see the BIGGEST uplift in revenue per session is the cart. Very unoptimized right now. It also has 2/3 external links/pop ups which will be increasing cart abandonment.

Here's what I’ve done:

  1. I've added a free shipping prompt in the cart to increase AOV

  2. I've added some one-click upsells to complement the above

  3. I've used the empty space to showcase some social proof

  4. I've removed all pop-ups and anchored the CTA with trust

2️⃣ Pop Up Optimization

This one is a fun experiment. We've found that 2-step pop ups convert better than shoving the fields in peoples faces from step 1. Also I've really simplified the offering to make it more of a no brainer.

Here's what I’ve done:

  1. I've changed the shape of the modal and added the visual on mobile

  2. I've simplified the messaging, 20% off Vs 20% back

  3. I've changed the form to a 2-step and made the CTA text more actionable

3️⃣ Product Page Optimization

Visually these pages before are SO cool. I love them, however I can't help but think the conversion rate will suffer because of this. I think there's a balance to be had and my suggestions may be too much the other way, but..

Here's what I’ve done:

  1. I've added a simple trust policy bar to instill instant trust

  2. I've made the images 1:1 ratio to enable more space above the fold

  3. I've added some much needed social proof

  4. I've used benefit driven bullet-points in place of the boring description

  5. I've pushed the CTA up

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