Why isn’t anyone talking about gamification?

Plus: Get access to the ultimate CRO Toolkit

BREAKING NEWS: CRO specialists have finally cracked the code, revealing a universal algorithm that guarantees 100% conversion rates... and it’s hidden in the source code of your 404 page!

checks 404 page source code!

Happy late APRIL FOOLS! If only it were that simple, right?

Back to real CRO strategies we go!

But before we dive in I have a small announcement to make.

By now I hope everyone knows about the biggest CRO event of the year: Conversion Rate Conference.

However, if you are from the UK and you want to warm up before the conference, I have just the thing for you.

Join us for the "Acquire, Convert, Retain" live event in London, an exclusive workshop-style gathering for high-growth DTC brands.

Learn from industry experts who have collaborated with top brands like Absolute Collagen and Dash Water, covering the entire customer life cycle from acquisition to retention.

We will end the night with a networking session, with pizza and cocktails on the terrace.

The event is free, but be sure to grab your ticket now, because there are limited spots available.

(There will be plenty of insights, but sadly, not unlimited pizza! Kidding, but seriously, we can’t promise a terrace extension)

Mark The Date: Thursday, 18 Apr 2024 15:00 - 20:00 BST

You can book your spot and find more details in the link below

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • A/B Test: Swappable product images

  • CRO Tips: How to gamify your cart page to increase your AOV

  • CRO Trends: Only show sticky add-to-carts 25% down the scroll

  • Video: How @Brooklinen can boost their website conversions

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the net.

 Landing Page Design 🎨

CRO ToolKit: 🎨 40+ Landing Page Designs .🚀 Conversion Guide. 🕵️‍♂️ The X-Factor Page (Link)

On-going CRO ⚡️

A/B Test: How we boosted our client's revenue by over $12k in MRR with swappable product images. (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Shopify: You can now collect and record multiple partial payments for orders with payment terms in your Shopify admin. (Source)

TikTok: TikTok launches new lead generation playbook. (Source)

YouTube: Youtube Introduces mandatory disclosure for AI-Generated Content. (Source)


In our Academy, we keep a close eye on our members' progress through a dedicated thread.

This week, we’re shining the spotlight on Iascurry.

After receiving two comprehensive audits, he knew precisely what steps to take next.

You can see the results of his efforts in the image below.

Love to hear such results from our Academy members! Congrats Iascurry on taking action and scaling your business!

Video of the Week (5 min)

Here's How @Brooklinen Can Boost Their Website Conversions

Some quick wins and trends you can test on your brands today.

  1. When it comes to your collection pages, the most important thing is that your FIRST line of products fits above the fold.

Make sure that product images/social proof and price are all in view.

❌Don't use big collection images that push things down.

Boom! 💣

  1. Only show sticky add-to-carts 25% down the scroll.

If you use a sticky add-to-cart on mobile (which you should)

1. Only show it after 25% scroll

2. Make sure it hides when other calls to actions are in view

Let's go! 🚀

How to Gamify Your Cart Page to Increase Your AOV

It's strange that gamification in CRO doesn’t get more attention.

Setting it up is enjoyable (I know I’m having fun!), and there’s even more excitement when you see your AOV increasing.

Here’s a gamification strategy that significantly boosted one of our client's performance.

The Test:

Introduction of a tiered spending threshold in the cart to incentivize higher spending with the reward of unlocking free gifts.

The Goal:

To elevate the Average Order Value (AOV) by motivating customers to increase their cart size in exchange for attractive rewards.

The Why:

Given that the AOV has been stagnant between $60 - $80, the strategy was to boost customer spending by offering tiered incentives. The approach capitalizes on the psychological appeal of receiving more value for money, encouraging customers to spend more to reach set thresholds for rewards.

The What:

The cart page was modified to display a series of spending thresholds with corresponding rewards:

  1. Spend $75 to unlock free shipping.

  2. Spend $95 to unlock 2 sticker sets.

  3. Spend $115 to unlock a $25 gift card.

  4. Spend $130 to unlock a boxer and socks combo.

These rewards were clearly communicated to customers as they added items to their cart, with visual cues indicating the next reward threshold.

The Results:

+ 57,417 per month

+ 689,004 per year (forecasted)

+ 7.86 revenue per session

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