8 Quiz funnel tips to boost conversions

Plus: 🎥 Anatomy of a high-converting lead page

Hello Optimizers,

Tune in to ConversionMail, where we compose conversion symphonies that'll make your customers sing. 🎵 

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • A/B Test: Here's how a simple change in navigation drove massive results

  • The Chosen Topic: Cart checkout message optimization

  • CRO Quick Win: Always anchor CTAs

  • Video: The anatomy of a high-converting lead gen landing page

Video Of The Week

I have some bad news for you.

If you've been waiting for a new episode of "Talks That Convert", it's not coming.

That's because "Talks That Convert" Season 1 is now complete!

7 episodes. 7 industry leaders. Countless insights.

When we launched this podcast, our goal was simple:

To bring you genuine, battle-tested CRO insights from industry leaders.

No rehashed best practices. No fluff.

Just pure, conversion-boosting knowledge.

A special shoutout to Chris Watson for being an incredible host and tireless behind-the-scenes presenter - setting up episodes, coordinating guests, and ensuring top-quality content.

If you missed an episode, you can find the whole season here.

But I’m curious, what was your favorite episode?

Drop a reply below!

And stay tuned, season 2 is already in the works, and it's going to be even bigger.

But listen, I couldn't leave you hanging without some podcast goodness this week.

So here's a little bonus for you:

Recently, I wrapped up a fun chat on the D2C Diaries podcast.

We discussed:

- The power of AI in optimizing landing pages and conversion rates

- Why 'ugly' landing pages often outperform the great designs

- Best practices for landing pages and conversion optimization

- TikTok shop's impact on website traffic

We also talked about some fun things such as my past life as a chef, my workaholic tendencies, and how I've never had a proper board meeting.

Who knew a CRO chat could get so personal? 😅

🎵 Spotify

P.S. If you are an established e-commerce company, listen up!

The co-host of the podcast, Olly Hudson, in partnership with Triple Whale, is inviting you to an exclusive dinner event on September 17th.

Olly's gathering 30+ established UK e-commerce founders and operators (including myself and Andy) for an evening of insights, networking, and great food.

The highlight? A panel discussion featuring Connor Martin, founder of JAQ Group, one of the UK's fastest-growing e-commerce groups.

You'll get the inside scoop on driving profitable brand growth, overcoming e-commerce challenges, and implementing systems that actually work.

Plus, you'll have the chance to connect with other high-level founders and marketers over a free 3-course dinner and drinks.

Tue, 17 Sep 2024, 18:00

To reserve your ticket, click here. But keep in mind that not everyone applying will be invited.

As always, we can’t have a ConversionMail release without a new CRO Insights episode.

This week, I'm breaking down the before-and-after transformation of a lead generation landing page that dramatically improved conversion rates for our client.

What you'll learn:

  • How to optimize your navigation for maximum impact

  • The power of a trust policy bar

  • Crafting compelling headlines that convert

  • Transforming boring text into benefit-driven bullet points

  • The secrets of high-converting CTAs

  • Leveraging social proof effectively

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the web.

Design 🎨

Here are my TOP 8 tips for creating a quiz funnel page that 100% converts!

It's time to elevate your landing page optimization game with strategic quizzes. (Link)

On-Going CRO ⚡️

A/B Test: Here's how a simple change in navigation drove massive results

This client had a basic mobile menu that wasn't effectively guiding users to high-revenue categories. (Link)

Web Wisdom Roundup 🌐

Personal: Building a multi-million dollar business comes at a cost.

When I started my journey as an entrepreneur, I was a 19-year-old chef with big dreams and even bigger ambitions.

What I didn't realize was the true price of success. (Source)

Shopify: Split shipping in checkout is available to all merchants (Source)

Baymard: Furniture & Home Decor: New UX benchmark with 5,000+ performance scores and 5,400+ best practice examples (Source)

Academy 🎓️ 

New Audits for Our Members: 🌿 Agency, Artwork, Hyperbaric, Supplements, Weed Delivery, Info product (Link)

Client’s Result

If you want to find out why Liza is so awesome, just book a call.

You won’t regret it.

High Converting Design Inspiration

Wild One is already crushing it with <$5M in revenue and a Michelle Obama collab under their collar.

But a few key website tweaks could unleash even more sales.

Here's what I'd change 👇

Wild One Homepage:

1️⃣Showed clear category nav "Walk, Carry, Play, Live"

2️⃣ Added customer ratings for social proof

3️⃣ Bolded tagline with compelling copy

4️⃣ Prominent CTA with added urgency

5️⃣ Enhanced brand imagery

Cart Drawer:

1️⃣ Free gift progress bar added

2️⃣ Promoted relevant upsell items

3️⃣ Highlighted product details

4️⃣ Clearly visible payment icons

CRO Quick Wins

  1. Whenever you have a call to action button throughout your page, always "anchor" it with two things

1. Social Proof: A review/testimonial/case study etc

2. Trust: Anything that makes you trusted as a brand

Do this and your click-throughs will increase.

  1. Just below the fold you should visually show how your customer

1. Buys your product

2. Receives your product

3. Benefits from your product


1. Step count

2. Icons

3. Short headlines

Reaffirm the "simplicity" and "benefit" in the headline.

  1. Instantly add trust and credibility to your site.

When a new visitor lands on your site, it’s crucial to make them feel confident and secure.

Use clear, concise icons/text to emphasize key aspects that establish your business as trustworthy.

Place these above the fold.

Cart Checkout Message Optimization

The Goal:

To increase Revenue Per Session (RPS) by simplifying the checkout experience and highlighting the Unique Selling Points (USPs) without the distraction of a discount code message.

The Why:

Our analysis showed that the message about adding a discount code at checkout might have caused confusion for customers who did not have a code.

We hypothesized that removing this message would decrease friction and enhance the focus on the product's USPs, thereby increasing sales.

The What:

Original Version: The cart page included a message prompting users to enter a discount code at checkout.

Variant: The revised cart design removed the discount message, instead focusing more on clear and concise information about the product's benefits, maintaining customer focus on the checkout process.

The Results:

+💲40,413 per month

+💲484,956 per year (forecasted)

+💲1.501 revenue per session

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