The 7-part anatomy of a high-converting review

Plus: The menu redesign that resulted in 💵 92,000 MRR

Salutations, Optimization Wizards!

Brew up some powerful potions with ConversionMail’s magical mix of tips, tricks, and CRO spells. 🧙‍♂️

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • A/B Test: Enhanced urgency and mobile experience on product detail pages added +24,000 MRR

  • Design: High-Converting homepage design example

  • CRO Trends: Add a collapsable description to your money-back guarantees!

  • Video: Strategies to redesign your E-commerce homepage 

Company Updates

A huge thank you to all those who helped make our second Conversion Rate Conference a huge success!

Firstly I want to thank our incredible lineup of speakers, each and every one of them delivered an incredibly insightful and actionable talk.

The content and value this year were just seriously another level, wow!

Secondly a big thank you to our amazing sponsors, we were very conscious this year to only allow a limited amount of sponsors and only those who we truly value and trust at our own agency.

And of course my very own agency ConversionWise, who made the whole thing possible.

Honestly, if you’re a brand and you’re looking to boost your revenue and turn more clicks into customers there’s no better combination than the 4 companies above. Together we’re currently doing exactly that for 70+ brands.

And last but not least, thank you to the thousands of you who attended last week’s conference. If watched the conference, reply to this email and drop your feedback!

P.S. For those of you who missed it, the replays are now available inside our Academy.

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the net.

Landing Page Design 🎨

I've just compiled the ULTIMATE Landing Page Swipe File!

100 Landing Page Redesigns to EXPLODE your conversion rates! 💣 (Link)

High-Converting Design Example: This client hired us to design them a page that would generate more revenue (Link)

On-going CRO ⚡️

How we enhanced urgency and mobile experience on product detail pages and added +24,000 MRR (Link)

This menu redesign resulted in an additional monthly revenue exceeding 92,000 (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Shopify: Customer Segment Details in the Shopify App now supports segment query edits (Source)

Marketing: Baileys introduces ‘Sound Scales’ campaign, an innovative approach. (Source)

Video of the Week (5 min)

Strategies to Redesign Your E-commerce Homepage

Some quick wins and trends you can test on your brands today.

1.Tell visitors what size or fit your models are wearing

Go one step further and share the height and weight so that visitors have something to compare with.

This should be mandatory along with size guide.

2.Use comparison tables to enhance your value proposition

You have 2 options here:

1. Pitch your product against your competitors

2. Pitch your product against a generalization

3.Add a collapsable description to your money-back guarantees!

Having just a line of text isn't enough.

Instead, treat this like an FAQ and have an expandable tab that explains the exact guarantee and helps remove friction on the purchase.

The 7-part Anatomy of a High-Converting Review

1. Always call out the best bit

You need to draw attention to the main highlight of the review.

What's most important to a buyer? What's going to move the needle? Highlight it.

Example: Beat out every other agency

Exercise: Add a headline above the full quote showcasing the highlight.

2. Use quotation marks 

One mistake we consistently see is reviews without quotation marks. This leads to confusion and often the important content being overlooked by viewers.

Exercise: Add full quotation marks at the beginning and end of your reviews.

3. Bold key phrases and words 

Long paragraphs of boring text will more than likely get overlooked.

You need to shove important content in people’s faces.

Exercise: Make your content scannable by bolding/highlighting the best parts (often the outcome).

4. Show first and last name

Anyone can make up a fake name and post a review.

It's VERY obvious to spot those that aren't legit. For some magic reason adding a real last name works wonders.

Exercise: Add a real first and last name to your reviews to give them credibility.

5. Anchor associated logos 

Use the logos/icons that your target demographic associates with.

For example, our clients use TP so we leverage their (trust) logos.

Exercise: Add any associated review platform logos next to each review to add more credibility and trust.

6. Anchor videos with text

Videos are great but not everyone is in a position to watch them, for example, they may be on a busy train.

Pull out the best bit and put it in the text underneath.

Exercise: Annotate your videos and place the most important quotes underneath in the text.

7. Answer fears/doubts

Survey your audience and find out their objections. Then highlight reviews that handle them.

For example, ConversionWise people want to know we can deliver their vision (we 100% can/do)

Exercise: Highlight reviews that answer your buyers’ fears and doubts.

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