7 Quick tests to skyrocket conversion rates

Plus: Price anchoring is powerful, but have you tried this twist?

Hey there, Optimizers!

Welcome to ConversionMail, where we make CRO less about guesswork and more about successwork.

Dive in for your weekly dose of all things optimization. 🎯

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • A/B Test: How we transformed traffic with a clickable announcement bar resulting in over 57k MRR.

  • Design: Price anchoring is powerful, but have you tried this twist?

  • CRO Trends: Make sure your images on mobile are 1:1 ratio

  • Video: 7 quick tests to skyrocket conversion rates for health and wellness brands

Company Updates

As I write this newsletter, the second day of the Conversion Rate Conference is ABOUT TO START!

Glenn Fisher is preparing to deliver a masterclass on copywriting, where he'll share four simple words that are proven to boost conversions.

If you haven't registered yet, there's still time to join us. We have plenty more CRO insights in store for you, with the conference finishing at 20:20 GMT.

Grab your invitation and check out the full schedule here:

(The recordings after the event will be paid)

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the net.

Landing Page Design 🎨

Price anchoring is powerful, but have you tried this twist? (Link)

Strategies to boost homepage conversions for higher revenue (Example: Plant-based beauty products) (Link)

On-going CRO ⚑️

How we transformed traffic with a clickable announcement bar resulting in over 57k MRR. (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Shopify: Shopify Plus merchants can now find the autocomplete setting in the Checkout Editor. (Source)

Google: Google Analytics 4 addresses Ads report discrepancies with conversion update. (Source)

Instagram: Instagram rolls out Ads with promo codes globally. (Source)

Video of the Week (3 min)

7 Quick Tests to Skyrocket Conversion Rates For Health And Wellness Brands

Some quick wins and trends you can test on your brands today.

1.Make sure your images on mobile are 1:1 ratio (square)

This allows you to pull up so many important conversion principles above the fold.

  1. They should be at least 800x800px (to enable zoom)

  2. Compressed to optimise for load speed

2.If your cart or pre-purchase flow has multiple steps, highlight them on each step

Show them exactly how many steps they need to take and which step they're currently on.

This removes any discontent and allows people to visualize the end of the funnel. πŸ’°

3.Keep the main thing, the main thing

Ask yourself, what is the only and MAIN thing I want someone to do when they land on my page?

If it's to "enroll now" (as per attached) then get rid of everything else that serves as a distraction from the main thing.

How We Increased Our Clients Monthly Revenue by 10,000+ With One Simple Image!

The Test:

Incorporation of Unique Selling Proposition (USP) images into the product detail page (PDP) image gallery.

The Goal:

To elevate product value perception and increase revenue per session by enhancing the visual appeal and informative content of the PDP.

The Why:

We recognized that customers often seek quick visual affirmations of a product's benefits. By including images that clearly illustrate and communicate the product's USPs, we aimed to improve the customer's understanding and appreciation of the product's distinct advantages.

The What:

USP images were added to the existing image carousel on the PDPs. These images were designed to be immediately recognizable and convey the core benefits of the products succinctly, thereby enriching the overall narrative of the product's value.

The Results:

+ πŸ’°10,069 per month
+ πŸ’°120,828 per year (forecasted)
+ πŸ’°0.12 revenue per session

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