The 3 most effective Ecom tests

Hello Optimizers!

Welcome to this week's edition of ConversionMail!

In this release:

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • CRO trends: Test Disabling Your Discount Fields In Checkout

  • Your choice: The 3 Most Effective Ecom Store Tests

  • A/B Test: How The 'Swipe Feature' Added Over $12,400 In MMR For Our Client!

  • Video: Boost Your Shopify Sales In 2024 With These Homepage Design Secrets

Weekly Content Roundup

Get the latest and greatest CRO content from around the net.

Landing Page Design 🎨

Copywriting: Boost your engagement and sales with this headline checklist! (Link)

CRO Tips: Most people fail at building e-commerce sites that convert. But if you dodge these 10 common mistakes, I promise you won't. (Link)

On-going CRO ⚡️

A/B test ideas: How the 'swipe feature' added over $12,400 in MMR for our client! (Link)

Case Study: How our homepage redesign generated over $32k in MRR for our client! (Link)

CRO Around the Web 🌐

Statistics: CRO strategies that work according to statistics:

  • Companies experience a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15.

  • Videos on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 86%. (Eye View Digital)

  • User-generated content (UGC) can increase conversion rates by as much as 200% 

  • 96% of B2B marketers agree that segmentation is the most valuable method for improving conversion rates

  • Landing pages with multiple offers get 266% fewer leads than single offer pages.

  • Companies with mobile-optimized sites triple their chances of increasing mobile conversion rate to 5% or above. (Adobe)

  • Personalized CTAs convert 202% better than default versions.

  • Faster websites convert more. 1 second delay in website load time means a 7% reduction in conversions. (Source)

Shopify: Starting February 20, Shopify is supplementing their Billing reporting functionality to allow merchants to create and export reports on-demand with charge history for a period up to 1 year. (Source)

Academy 🏫

Audit Clinic: In last week’s live site audit session, we audited 5 Ecom stores and 2 Lead gen sites that were posted in the Academy’s "Ask for Feedback" section. (Link)

CRO Quick Wins: Why you MUST display products on collection pages 2x2 (Link)

Video of the Week

Check out our conversion rate optimization video of the week.

Boost Your Shopify Sales in 2024 with These Homepage Design Secrets

CRO Trends

Some quick wins and trends you can test on your brands today.

  1. Launch a build a bundle page!

If your product is low ticket and you offer multiple variants then it's a no-brainer to develop a build a bundle page.

Unlock free shipping and gifts at different order quantities and boost your AOV.

  1. Test disabling your discount fields in checkout.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Discount fields automatically navigate new customers away from your store in order to find something that may not exist.

Frustration can then kick in and they're gone.

The 3 most effective Ecom store tests

Usually, the responses to the poll are very close.

However, the last winner was a clear favorite, securing 91% of the votes.

Here are the top 3 tests that we've found to effectively boost conversions.

Just a word of caution: I won't delve into each test in detail here. For comprehensive insights, refer to previous ConversionMail editions or visit my Twitter.

This is just an overview to guide your focus.

Here we go:

1.Mega Menu Tests

For some reason, business owners tend to neglect Mega Menus the most.

That’s why Mega Menus frequently suffer from poor UI/UX, making them unintuitive and user-unfriendly.

As a consequence visitors struggle to reach their desired products.

Improve this by categorizing links under multiple tabs and introducing filtering options.

However, one of the most impactful tests is to enrich your Mega Menu with images, product descriptions, and testimonials.

2.The above-the-fold section of the product page

A common issue with Product Detail Pages (PDPs) is the absence of essential conversion design elements.

Start by adding strong social proof ( how many times do I have to repeat? 5 golden stars followed by the number of satisfied customers) and clear calls to action within the above-the-fold section.

After you’ve done that, you can experiment with image layouts and the usage of text and icons to highlight your product’s benefits.

3.Cart page tests

The cart page is crucial, yet frequently mishandled.

This is the page where visitors part ways with their money. It’s your job to make it as easy as possible for them.

Here are some tests for you to try:

  • Clearly outline USPs within the cart to reinforce the value proposition.

  • Implement an intuitive upsell navigator, utilizing arrows for better user interaction.

  • Display estimated delivery times to manage customer expectations.

  • Strategically position payment options below the Call To Action (CTA) to affirm transaction security and convenience.

Optimization by Oliver

I break down how I would optimize some of my favorite brands.

Brand: Away Travel

Away Travel hit $150 million in revenue with their Instagram-able luggage.

  1. Add social proof at the top

  2. Optimized the headline to better display the value proposition

  3. Added a very clear and accessible CTA

  4. Optimized imagery

Click here for the full in-depth breakdown.

☎️ If you'd like to speak with our team about our ongoing CRO solution click here to book a free discovery call

Vote Next Week’s Topic

At ConversionWise, we're always on a mission to optimize everything we do, from our websites to this very newsletter.

And who better to guide us than you ?

In this spirit, I would like to give you the chance to pick a topic for the next edition.

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