The $1,000,000+ Case Study!

Hello Optimizers!

New section alert: Mythbusters

Each week, I’ll be like the Sherlock Holmes of CRO, telling you the truth behind the myths that have been leading you astray.

Also in this release:

Highlights of Today’s Newsletter

  • 📊 The principles of a high-converting above the fold

  • 👾 Mythbusters: Redesigning my store will increase my conversions

  • 🚀 Medical uniform product page redesign

  • 🎁 One-Year Conversion Rate Academy subscription giveaway

But first, I want to thank everyone who attended last week’s CRO workshop with me and Ezra Firestone.

If you didn’t manage to catch the live workshop you can watch the replay below.

Video of the week 📺

Check out our conversion rate optimization video of the week.

How to Add Over $1,000,000+ to Your E-Commerce Brand with CRO

Weekly content roundup 📚

 On-going CRO 📈

CRO Case Study: How a 'Best Seller' Carousel Added Over $48,000 in MRR for Our Client! (Link)

CRO Quick Win: Make your entire notice bars clickable. (Link)

Boost your conversion rates to 3% with these 9 principles (Link)

Design 🎨

Unlock a 4%+ conversion rate for your supplement brand. (Before and After). (Link)

Breakdown of how Glossier turned a beauty blog into a $1.2 billion beauty empire (Case Study). (Link)

Academy 🏫

An extensive checklist of more than 135 pointers that you need to focus on and implement on your websites for better conversion rates.

This week we're focusing on one of our lead gen clients from the commercial loans niche.

Company Updates ⚡️

Last Friday was a big deal for us – our first-ever client dinner in the UK!

We gathered with 18 of our clients around what must have been the world's coziest chef's table in London's Borough area.

The night wasn't just about tackling those massive steaks (although, let's be honest, that was a highlight).

It was a celebration of partnerships and shared ambitions.

Between bites, we dived into innovative business strategies and swapped stories of triumphs and challenges.

It was a reminder of how fortunate we are to work with such a diverse and dynamic group of individuals.

Leaving London, I took away one thing.

A renewed sense of dedication to my craft.

Massive thanks to our clients for their trust and partnership.

Same time, same place next year I guess?

Mythbusters 👾

Myth: Redesigning my store will increase my conversions

Buster: One common request we hear is, "I don't want to AB test, I just want a complete redesign of my store based on the best CRO practices."

Such an approach can often be counterproductive, especially for established brands.

Let me explain why.

For brands with significant traffic, skipping AB testing for a full redesign can be risky, as it relies on guesswork instead of data.

While CRO best practices are helpful, they don't fit every scenario.

A complete overhaul can alienate loyal customers used to your site’s current layout.

Each business is unique, and what works for one might not for another.

For new or unprofitable stores, a bold redesign could be beneficial.

But for successful stores, ongoing CRO, guided by data and research, is the smarter choice.

Through AB testing and careful iteration, you can evolve and improve your store in a way that resonates with your customers and boosts your performance.

Remember, in the world of e-commerce, data is your most valuable ally.

The principles to a high-converting above the fold 📊

The "above the fold" section of your website is crucial as it's the first impression visitors have.

To optimize this area for high conversion, here are six key principles I recommend:

  1. Social Proof: Display customer testimonials, reviews, or user counts to build trust and credibility. A great way to incorporate this is by adding a trust policy bar at the top of the page, showcasing positive experiences from other users.

  2. Engaging Visuals: Utilize high-quality images or videos that effectively demonstrate your product in action. These visuals should be compelling and realistic, helping potential customers envision themselves using the product, which can enhance conversion rates.

  3. Trust and Credibility Signals: Boost visitor confidence by displaying trust indicators such as security badges, press mentions, guarantees, or affiliations with reputable brands. This assures visitors of the site's legitimacy and safety.

  4. Clear Call to Action (CTA): Your page should feature a distinct and noticeable CTA, like "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart." It needs to be prominent, guiding users seamlessly to the next stage of the purchase process.

  5. Strong Value Proposition: Present a concise statement outlining how your product addresses customer needs, offers specific benefits, and differentiates from competitors. This should articulate why customers would prefer buying from your site.

  6. Benefits-Focused Bullet Points: Instead of merely listing features, highlight the product's benefits in a bullet-point format. Emphasize how the product improves the user's life or resolves their challenges.

These principles are universally applicable for "above the fold" sections across various types of pages.

Below, you’ll find a wireframe tailored for product pages, incorporating these strategies.

Optimization by Oliver 🚀 

I breakdown how I would optimise some of my favourite brands.

Product Page Revamp:

  1. Added a trust policy bar: Reinforces the brand's reliability and customer service, increasing buyer confidence.

  2. Resized product images for better mobile view: Ensures the product is clearly visible on all devices, enhancing user interaction.

  3. Highlighted customer reviews for social proof: Further establishes trust and helps customers make informed decisions.

  4. Improved layout for easier selection and visualization: Streamlines the buying process, reducing friction and potential drop-offs.

Click here for the full in-depth breakdown.

Giveaway 🏆

Yesterday, we sent out a short survey ( a big thanks to those who've already filled it out!)

Here's how the giveaway works: simply complete the survey, and you'll be automatically entered into our giveaway.

Here’s the link one more time.

Stay tuned - we'll reveal the lucky winner next Wednesday.

Best of luck!

Vote Next Week’s Topic 🗳

At ConversionWise, we're always on a mission to optimize everything we do, from our websites to this very newsletter.

And who better to guide us than you ?

In this spirit, I would like to give you the chance to pick a topic for the next edition.

What do you want to learn next Wednesday?

Come on, don't be shy!

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